12 April 2009


Airports bring so many people together, yet take so many away. So much happiness coupled with so much sadness must be a disaster of a place, yet I find it almost calming. People crying, yet so many others running to the arms of a loved one. Where am I in the mix? I’m anxious, nervous, sad to say goodbye, happy to say hello.

I like wearing silly socks when I’m going to the airport so everyone can see them when I take my shoes off to go thru security. Or at least have nicely painted toenails. Why do I have to take my laptop out of the bag? Why is a liquid smaller than three ounces not going to hurt someone? I’m pretty sure anyone really wanting to destroy an airplane will do it with less than three ounces.

My motto: Try to be asleep before taking off
Due to crying, screaming toddlers, babies wanting to sleep on me, chatty neighbors, anxiousness or whatever it may be, asleep by take off is not always the case. I decided on my flight back east I really don’t like red eye flights. I didn’t sleep one wink. I did watch two good movies though. I cried. Crying on planes makes me more sad. And makes me feel alone. I would have rather slept.

Why is the upright position of my chair needed for take off and landing? I’m pretty sure the entire three inches of chair adjustment allowed will not make a difference. Why is there not free wifi in all airports? So I’m not in the Admiral’s Club. No one should be other than an actual Admiral. I want internet access, NOW. Why is there not free wifi during all flights like Virgin? I love Virgin. Get with it ALL other airlines.

1 comment:

  1. If I was an admiral I would be at those clubs 24/7... talking about how I'm an admiral.
